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College Immersion Day


Year 6 students travelled to St Francis of Assisi College for the first of two Immersion Days. The College Immersion Day was an opportunity for students to get a ‘taste’ of college life.

Students engaged in an array of fun and exciting activities like running experiments in the science lab, being digital innovators in a technology session and athletes, playing European handball. It was an extremely busy day but so rewarding for everyone involved.

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National Reconciliation Week 2023


National Reconciliation Week invited us all to consider how we can be a Voice for Generations within our families, with friends, and within our community.

We explored our shared histories and cultures and investigated ways to live our Call to Community.

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Well done Ms Brown!


Our school community come together to support Ms Brown in raising funds for Cure for Brain Cancer Australia.

Chiara cut off her very long hair to raise money for Cure Brain Cancer as part of Brain Cancer Awareness Month, after losing her Dad to an incurable and fatal form of brain cancer in 2015.

A cupcake drive initiated by two of our student leaders added to Chiara’s fundraising effort which raised over $1200 for the leading research organisation for brain cancer in Australia.

We are very pround of you Ms Brown!