Week 1, Term 1 2025
Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, preserve in prayer.
Romans 12:12
Why do people with real, genuine faith seem to be people of peace, people with peace? Because faith in God’s unconditional love gives them hope. What is real hope? It’s trust that God is right there, close, involved in our lives. One of the saints wrote: “Faith brings what seems hopeless within our reach, then added, “The person of faith is not one who believes that God can do everything, but the one who believes that he or she can obtain everything from God.”
The Bible reveals the absolute unconditional and irrevocable love God has for his children. This is shown in Christ who both died and rose again for us. St. Paul wrote: “He loved me and gave himself for me.” Through faith our hearts hold on to that truth and find great trust in God. The more I believe in his love for me, the more I enjoy God’s presence. If you believe in God’s unconditional, personal love for you, then you believe you can obtain everything from God. That’s faith! Faith is the mother of hope, real hope, and from hope peace is born in the human soul.
Welcome to the start of our academic year at St Joseph’s School, Barmera.
On behalf of everyone at our school, I warmly welcome the new families, students, and staff who are beginning their journey with us this year. We are delighted to have you join our community, knowing that St Joseph’s School Barmera, like all vibrant communities, is enriched by the people within it and the relationships we build together.
The start of the year brings a mix of excitement and nervousness as we settle into new routines, find our way, and form new friendships. As parents, we know all too well the challenge of getting back into the weekly rhythm of morning drop-offs, after-school pick-ups, and the recommencement of sports, dance, music, and art activities, all of which require plenty of energy. With this in mind, I encourage you to be kind to yourself in the weeks ahead.
Our Diocesan theme for this year, Seeds of Hope, reminds us that communities flourish through the care and nourishment of relationships. Just as seeds need time and attention to grow, so do our connections with one another. This theme invites us to deepen our relationships at school, learn each other’s stories, and recognise the infinite love of God at work in our lives. Hope is central to this journey—it sustains us as we grow, face challenges, and celebrate successes together. This theme beautifully complements the Church’s Jubilee theme, Pilgrims of Hope, encouraging us to journey together with faith, love, and compassion.
We are thrilled to share the joyful news that Tricia Kingham and her husband, Craig, welcomed their first grandson, Bryson, just in time for Christmas! We extend our heartfelt congratulations to the Kingham family on this wonderful blessing.
Every new year brings fresh opportunities and enriching surprises. One significant change this year is our strengthened learning structure, as was outlined in a letter to families towards the end of 2024. Students are already settling into the new routines and are enjoying the many connections they are building with students across the school and the wide range of staff members supporting their growth and learning journeys. Families will have the chance to learn more about this structure during our first showcase afternoon on Friday, February 21, starting at 2 pm. This first showcase will also highlight student learning in Positive Behaviour Interventions and Strategies (PBIS) and Mathematics. For families it will be a valuable opportunity to meet with school staff and ask any questions you may have about the new structure. Innovation often brings questions, and we warmly invite your feedback and curiosity.
This year is shaping up to be an exciting one. A significant milestone will be the commencement of our school masterplan, starting with phase one: the replacement of the Year 5/6 building with three brand-new classrooms featuring breakout spaces and amenities. We have continued working with the architects during the holidays and look forward to sharing 3D images of the design soon. This significant upgrade marks an investment in the future of our students’ learning environment, and we look forward to its completion.
The school newsletter is a key tool for you and your family to stay informed about important information and events. The Newsletter is emailed directly to you and can also be accessed on our website at https://www.stjobarmera.catholic.edu.au. We suggest bookmarking the newsletter and taking the time to read each edition, using the Important Dates section as a regular reference to stay informed about important events in our school.
On behalf of the team at St Joseph’s School Barmera, I wish you and your family every blessing for the year ahead. We look forward to many opportunities to connect in person over the coming weeks and to working closely with you throughout 2025. Our dedicated team is here to support you, so please don’t hesitate to reach out if there is anything you need to help your child make a successful start to the academic year.
Nanda de Winter
The Australian Primary Principal’s Association (APPA) is committed to supporting families in ensuring every child has the best start in life. They have partnered with leading paediatrician Prof Frank Oberklaid of The Murdoch Children’s Research Institute to produce the Thrive with Five paper. The school newsletter will share information about the important five: play, talk, read, eat well and sleep.
Families benefit from a supportive community, ensuring both they and the child thrive. Our school is part of a supportive community, and we want to partner with families to shape a lifetime of benefits for every child.
Do you love to play at the lake or kick the footy? Do you imagine you are imaginary characters in the backyard or do you love a board game?
Playing and exploring help children learn to talk and become curious, which makes learning easier as they get older. How do you play with your child?
Melanie Steele
Leader of Learning
What a fantastic start to 2025! The first week of school was filled with smiles, excitement, and endless learning opportunities. From reconnecting with friends to diving into engaging classroom activities, it’s been wonderful to see our students’ curiosity and joy. Here's a glimpse of the energy and enthusiasm that kicked off a promising year of growth and discovery!
We came together as a school community to celebrate the Leadership Mass, a special occasion where our student leaders were officially inducted and where the Year 6 candles are lit. Congratulations to our School Captains and House Captains, we are proud of you and look forward to your leadership and positive influence throughout the year!